Oil lamp with bust of Sarapis

Oil lamp with bust of Sarapis

2nd-3rd century AD
Height: 180mm
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Sarapis is depicted according to the canon: luxuriant curls, beard, wearing a V-shaped chiton (tunic) and a himation (outer garment) draped over his left shoulder. Sarapis was a syncretic Greek-Egyptian god combining features of Osiris (Egyptian god of the dead), Zeus (Greek god of heaven and earth, lord of men and gods), Apis (Egyptian god of the Nile) and Dionysus (Greek god of fertility, wine, nature). The cult of Serapis originated between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC in Egypt, ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty, spread throughout Greece, initially the main centre of Serapis worship was Alexandria, but it reached its greatest popularity during the Roman Period. He was worshipped as a saviour god, healer, god of fertility and the afterlife 


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