Shabti of Anchef-En-Chons

Shabti of Anchef-En-Chons

26th Dynasty
(c. 1070 BC)
Height: 109mm
Width: 42mm
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Shabti figurines were commonly found among grave goods. They were supposed to help the deceased with physical labour in the afterlife. This particular shabti statuette is fashioned in a traditional manner: hands crossed on the chest, decoration and hieroglyphic inscriptions painted in black on a limestone base. The tripartite lappet wig with a marked headband knotted at the back. Hands holding hoes, a hanging seed basket on the back. The face and surface are slightly worn. Hieroglyphic inscriptions on the front indicate the name of the deceased and the functions he performed (he belonged to the “God’s father of Amun”, “Secret Councillor”). His sarcophagus is in the Archaeological Museum in Cairo.


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